Sam Razberry
Sam feels her feelings like its her job….because it is. Crying often as a means to process and release, she strives to uncover all her deepest wounds, and salve them with aloe. You can find Sam at her local coffee shop (literally naned “Poets”) sipping an iced vanilla chai, and eating something delicious on a croissant while she scribbles poems into one of her many half-filled notebooks, living her best, main character life.
From Soil to Sun and Back Again
“The seed When sprouting Sees only darkness It grows blindly through the soil The promise of light Guiding its very existence”
Our author is a fan of two things in life: condiments, & a really great (though painstakingly thought out at times), longwinded metaphor. Armed with restaurant ranch dressing (“Could I get extra sauce?”) and a smooth-writing clicky pen, she continued her journey to the core of her Being disguised in (you guessed it) metaphors for plant growth.
We all have our growing seasons, sure, but what about the time spent nestled away from the world pursuing our most evolved selves? What of the growing pains, the root rot, the too-small pots? Read along through all her life cycles (so far). From a sapling, back to a seed, to bloom, to wither, to revive herself, & grow From Soil to Sun & Back Again.